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Corrective Services Industries

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CSI has several agriculture sites strategically located in regional NSW and Emu Plains that can meet the needs of the broader community as well as the current inmate population.

Agriculture is a natural calling for CSI which has working teams involved in labour intensive farming operations, and has intimate knowledge of several agriculture supply chains gained from the experience of producing 30,000 inmate meals per day.

The CSI Agriculture business division includes a dairy and milk processing business unit at Emu Plains and cattle raising at Mussellbrook. The growing and harvesting of vegetables is carried out in a number of correctional centres.

Each year CSI produces almost 120,000 kilograms of fresh beef, 338,000 kilograms of processed vegetables, 1.3 million apples, and 1.8 million litres of fresh milk.

CSI is also in partnership with a significant range of agricultural producers such as Forests NSW, private plantations and industry processors. For further information on our agriculture products and services contact 02 4582 2420.


Cattle and Sheep

Livestock operations at Mannus and St. Heliers Correctional Centres supplies meat to CSI Food Services. Employed inmates have the opportunity to undertake rural traineeships


Sawmill By-Products

Glen Innes Correctional Centre produces a comprehensive range of by-products from its sawmill operations. Product includes potting mix, soil conditioner, bark in chip form and bulk pine sawdust



Vegetable Production

St. Heliers is one correctional centre that grows vegetables for offender rations. The crops vary from season to season and include cabbage, broccoli, potatoes, carrots, peas, tomatoes and onions.


CSI Dairy

The dairy farm and business unit at Emu Plains Correctional Centre comprises 200 mainly Fresian dairy cows. The dairy provides the milk rations for all NSW correctional centres.



Afforestation Services

CSI provides afforestation services for Forests NSW and privately owned forests. Services include silviculture pruning, pine planting, weed control, road side clearing and forestry park maintenance.


Private Sector Partners

Over the years we've partnered with the private sector in a range of agricultural operations such as plant nurseries and horticulture. Contact us if you are interested in exploring the opportunities

