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CSI Column One
CSI employs trade qualified personnel in their business units, located at metropolitan and regional correctional centres across NSW. We are looking for highly motivated individuals who are able to work within a competitive business environment and who can work effectively with the challenges and constraints of the correctional centre environment and inmate population.
The Role of a Trade Overseer with CSI
As an Overseer, you will be responsible for the management, supervision and training of inmates whilst they are at work. This will involve managing, coaching, instructing and encouraging inmates as members of a team to develop their work skills to contribute to the productivity outcomes of your business unit. The role of Trade Overseer also helps to enhance inmate employment prospects to prepare for the release of inmates into the community.
This contribution is directly aligned to the management of inmates in Corrective Services NSW. Overseers are critical in providing a positive role model by demonstrating personal values such as ethical personal and work practices, honesty and integrity.
In addition to a relevant trade qualification and experience, successful applicants will need to demonstrate a strong commitment to customer service and quality management practices.
Recruitment campaigns for Trade Overseer will be conducted from time to time and will be advertised on the iworkfornsw website.
For further information on how to become an Overseer with CSI please
click here.
Recruitment campaigns for Trade Overseer will be conducted from time to time and will be advertised on the
For further information on how to become an Overseer with CSI please
click here.